PSA, comprising Pritesh Walia on guitar, Sharik Hasan on keys/synths, and Avery Logan on drums, is a dynamic jazz trio from Boston. Their debut album, self-titled" PSA"(mid-2024), redefines the organ trio with a fusion of classic swing, blues, groove, and innovative electronic elements. Pritesh's guitar, Sharik's keys/synths, and Avery's drums create a fresh, fully developed sound, reflecting their love for jazz. The album showcases original compositions that seamlessly blend tradition and modernity, promising a captivating sonic journey. Join PSA as they push jazz boundaries, celebrating its evolution with technical prowess and artistic expression.

About PSA

Introducing PSA: Pritesh Walia on guitar, Sharik Hasan on keys and synths, and Avery Logan on drums, a dynamic jazz trio with roots in the vibrant musical scene of Boston. Drawing inspiration from their shared love for music and jazz, this talented trio has assembled their distinct backgrounds, each having graduated from prestigious institutions such as Berklee College of Music (where Sharik also serves as an instructor), New England Conservatory, and Manhattan School of Music.

Prepare to be captivated by their upcoming debut album, "Circle Around," slated for release in mid-2024.

PSA - "Onward"

- "Onward" full studio playthrough from the record "PSA"
